How to Compliment a Guy

Rahim Uddin
2 min readMar 11, 2021


Guys like to be noticed, respected, and admired by everyone but particularly by their special one. There are several sweet compliments for guys that girls can use to urge their attention and win their heart and within the case where you’ve got already won his heart, these compliments will assist you to stay your romance alive.

Men want to feel special

Every man has the will to face out from the remainder. Especially once you just met, or you’re within the initial phases of dating, he would want to understand that the opposite men from your past don’t have anything compared to him. once you make him feel special, he also will cause you to feel special reciprocally.

Men want to feel appreciated

Compliments show your appreciation. When a person knows you’re listening to him and his efforts, he will remember those positive reinforcements. These positive reinforcements will motivate him to become even a far better man. this is often most useful if you and your partner are together for years, you’ll tend to dismiss voicing out your gratitude as what he’s doing is what’s expected anyway. But men still want to listen to that they’re appreciated — that you’re grateful that he’s your partner.

Read More How to Compliment a Guy From Lovexoom

